The psychology
Outdoor The department of psychology is responsible for promoting the mental health of minors. Individual and group attention is provided through conducting psycho-educational workshops. In addition, it is in charge of the entrance qualifications and the realization of psychodigans. Provides accompaniment in external psychotherapeutic processes in psychology and psychiatry.
A fundamental part of the task of the Department of Social Work is to validate the rights of the minors who live in Pueblito Costa Rica. We started this work from the process of entry of children to our institution. This is how we deal with the coordination of this process with the different offices of the National Children's Trust. We give them the accompaniment that children and adolescents require during their adaptation process, and throughout their stay in the institution, ensuring that they have attention in all areas of development. Proper care is also given to those in charge of direct care to carry out their work in the best way for the welfare of children and adolescents.
The educational area coordinates the academic, technical and vocational processes of children and adolescents to provide tools focused on the life project. As well as, it provides individual educational support to students who require it, thanks to the support of the internal and external professional to the institution, to those in charge of direct care, and to national and international volunteers who contribute their knowledge to direct teaching. with our and our residents.
Children and adolescents perform in various physical areas, where their motor skills are diagnosed to optimize and ensure adequate physical, social and mental development. Every child and adolescent is included in the sports discipline that interests him most, reinforcing values ​​and integration through sports, which is our main objective.
Promote the development of computer skills as part of the educational process of younger age, assimilating Information and Communication Technologies as support tools in the computer process.
Recreation is the time of leisure or entertainment, is related to perform activities that can encourage spiritual fulfillment, the burden of physical energy, and in general, those activities that lead to the integrity of the person. Teen meetings, motivations, camps, movies, dramas, choir, picnic among others, are some of the activities that prevail in Pueblito increasing day by day the recreation.
It is called physical culture to the ways and habits of body care, through the realization of activities such as sports, recreational exercises and exchange of ideologies with other cultures, which not only seek the health of the body, giving activity that moves away from sedentary lifestyle and its consequences , if not also pursues the search for fullness and integral well-being of the human being, of the binomial body-mind. Each individual can devote a certain amount of time to physical culture, in relation to their possibilities, although many make this a way of life, like sportsmen.
The area of ​​Human Development was integrated from this year (2016), whose objective is to cover topics such as Employability, Life Project, Skills for Life, among others.