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Pueblito Costa Rica is a non-governmental non-profit organization, located 1 km. South of the Paradise Park, in Cartago. It is an alternative of prolonged stay protection, permanently houses more than 115 children and adolescents, who for different social risk circumstances were referred by the National Children's Trust (PANI) to be treated at the institution.​



Pueblito Costa Rica offers children and adolescents survivors of situations of social risk, protection factors under the family modality, strengthening their rights and promoting their duties within a comprehensive approach.



To provide children and adolescents with an experiential learning that facilitates the healthy development of their potential, contemplating the educational, social, emotional and spiritual level, promoting the search for a positive role in society.

"The residence of equity" 

By practicing these values with responsibility, prudence andconstancy, Pueblito has become an affectionate, supportiveand driven community. That's what we want it to be little town.



Dieciséis casas.

Edificio Administrativo.

Centro Infantil de Cuido.

Biblioteca y Escuelita.

Laboratorio de Informática.

Salon de Actividades y Gimnasio.

Almacén de alimentos.

Taller de Mantenimiento.

Cancha de fútbol y áreas verdes.




1 Coordinadora Técnica.

2 Psicólogos.

2 Trabajadores Sociales.

1 Asistente Educativo.

1 Profesor de Informática.

1 Profesor de Deporte y Cultura.

1 Profesional en Desarollo Humano.




1 Coordinadora Administrativa.

1 Asistente Administrativa.

1 Secretaria.

1 Supervisora de Encargadas de Cuido.

1 Encargado de Almacén.

1 Encargado de Mantenimiento.

1 Encargado de Jardinería.

1 Chofer.

1 Asistente de Transporte Estudiantil.

Seguridad privada.





Presidente: Ileana de Teran.

Vicepresidente: Ana  de Aymerich.

Tesorero: Mario Rímolo.

Secretario: Alberto Vander Laath.

Vocal: Cecilia Povedano.

Vocal: Carlos Coto Picado.

Vocal: Ingrid Hubner.




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